Street Chaplains
Frankston Street Chaplains
Frankston Street Chaplains will be launched in 2023
Street Chaplains are compassionate, trained volunteer workers from many of the local Christian Churches who care about their community. Street Chaplains provide a safe environment for people without discrimination, whether they are people enjoying a night out without fear of harm, or rough sleepers seeking help on the streets during the day. The aim is to be “Good Samaritans” to those in need, not preaching at people, but simply caring for, protecting, and listening to people of Frankston, ensuring they get the care and support they need. This simple agenda is about loving and caring and providing pastoral support for our fellow men and women. Street Chaplains help to make Frankston a safe place! They act as a safety net to support and care for vulnerable people who may be at risk. A Street Chaplain offers a safe place for those who just want to talk or need some support.

How Can You Help?
We need committed workers who will be trained and equipped by Frankston Street Chaplains to be sent out in small teams to engage with the community.
Street Chaplains operates under Frankston Life Community – a registered Not-for-Profit If you would like to donate—please visit
One of the strong values of Street Chaplains is prayer support. If you would like to know more about the prayer team — please contact us using the form below: