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Beautiful Frankston
Right around the bay in Melbourne is beautiful Frankston. Frankston is located 40 KM south of the City of Melbourne on the eastern shore of Port Philip Bay. It is the gateway to the Mornington Peninsula.
It is a city with wonderful beaches and some of Melbourne’s best vistas.
We love our City and regularly pray for the favour of God upon Frankston, specifically for our Businesses, Schools, Families, Media and our Arts Community, as well as our political leaders and Councillors who are entrusted with the welfare of our wonderful city.

So what is a prophetic history of city?
A looking at the foundations and early records of a place to see the patterns and process that has taken place that indeed give each city a destiny and purpose.
I believe that each place has a destiny – each city has a reason that it was initially set up and some of the early processes of that place indicate its ultimate call.
Each place has a fingerprint that expresses something of its’ DNA and that is what I will base these thoughts upon.
Frankston is a well!
Historically there were natural springs that were flowing into the city at various places – these were renowned as healing pools – people would come from all over and bathe in the water to get healing.
The water was said to contain chalybeate which is renowned for its healing properties.
Two companies were registered: The Frankston Aerated mineral springs company & The Frankston sulphur and Chalybeate Springs co. Ltd.
The Frankston Aerated mineral springs company bottled aerated water straight from the spring. There were various other springs across the city – operating as healing pools. The present lake in Beauty Park in Frankston is fed from an underground well or spring.
Sadly however during the 1930’s these springs were capped because there had been an outbreak of bubonic plague in Sydney and open bathing fell out of favour and the mineral water that came from the springs was said to have an unpleasant smell, mainly because of the high sulphur content!
However, we believe the Lord has called us to uncap the springs!
A prophetic promise!
In the 50s a man called William Cathcart – who was the appointed Prophet from the Apostolic Church, a growing Pentecostal denomination, came to Frankston and spoke a prophetic word that Frankston was a fountainhead and the water would flow from here right throughout the state.
A fountainhead is the source of a river!

Redemptive Purpose – A City Of Firsts!
Frankston it seems has been a place where things have had their genesis – their start – a number of natural programs and Australia wide programs were commenced in Frankston!
- Scouts jamboree – 1935
- Police consultancy committee
- Neighbourhood watch
- Community kitchens and others
- Baxter village (the largest and most comprehensive retirement village in Australia at the time) – Baxter Village pioneered resident purchase – the first of its kind in the world!
- Emergency Relief providers
- The early Australian motor vehicle, The Hartnett was actually built in Seaford, sadly this vehicle was not a success but goes down in Australian history as an Aussie first!
- Awakening Australia – an Australian Wide revival initiative through Fire Church in Carrum Downs is an Australian First – from our city!
- And there are others that we have not listed
I would propose that that the redemptive purpose of Frankston is to be a place of firsts.
Fountainheads are source places… and I believe that the City Of Frankston has a source code about it and that this is what it is called to be – place where things are launched and brought forth!
I discovered a website titled Whole town converted…. It was the biography of a John Carr who came to Frankston in 1855.
And I quote:
“John Carr, senior, adhered to a strict Christian life. He was a Wesleyan and used to preach in Frankston as early as 1855, before a church was established in that centre. He was personally responsible for the first Wesleyan Chapel being built in Frankston. (on the present site!!)
It is reported that at one stage the forceful and forthright preaching of John Carr had everyone in Frankston (except the publican) converted.”
So it would seem that there has been a well (or spring) established in Frankston – A well of His presence and a well of healing!
The old Wesleyan Chapel is at 26 High Street Frankston – The present site of the brotherhood of st laurence
Numbers 21:16 – 18
From there they went to the well, which is the well of which the Lord said to Moses, Gather the people together so that I may give them water. 17 Then Israel sang this song: Spring up, O well!—so sing to it 18 The well that the princes sank, that the nobles of the people dug, With their scepters and their staffs – from the wilderness, a gift.
Genesis 26:18
Then Isaac dug again the wells of water which had been dug in the days of his father Abraham, for the Philistines had stopped them up after the death of Abraham; and he gave them the same names which his father had given them.